We started the school year by standing side-by-side in a circle and putting our hand over our heads and then slowly sweeping them to our toes. We stretched together. That’s what we are doing all year mentally: stretching. We’ll find a position we can stand in solidly, establish that comfort zone and area of competence. Then we’re going to reach until we just have a moment of discomfort, just enough to feel the stretch, but not enough to stress.

This concept is called neuroplasticity. It means we’re adapting, learning, and improving.

Something that we approach as a stretch is always easier to enter and make our own knowledge than a surprise. We will adapt, learn, and improve by pushing just a little beyond that comfort zone. Before your child knows it, they will be confidently practicing work that might have been challenging to imagine at the beginning of the school year.

We’re not only learning about math and parts of speech, though. We practice how to talk to people around us and how to evaluate our emotions and the responses we’re exhibiting.

Safe risks are how we learn what our capabilities are! We know because of neuroscience conducted in labs like the collaborative University of Washington education and neuroscience projects that practice and a little step into something new is how humans build memory. Embracing the stretch builds resilience and confidence.

Consistently stretching and building strong neural pathways to beneficial solutions will make habits out of what we’re doing here in Willow class…whatever goal we’re reaching for.